Nexus 5 2015 Fingerprint Scanner Almost Confirmed In Android 6.0?

Nexus 5 2015 and Android 6.0 M are rumoured to make an appearance at this year’s Google I/O. In spite of Google’s attempts to keep the details regarding the next generation Nexus 5 under the curtain, few pieces of information does make it to the surface every now and then.
According to the latest report by the folks over at ArsTechnica, the next version of Android (Android 6.0 ‘M’, as everybody’s calling it) is apparently going to feature native support for fingerprint scanner. For the uninitiated, up until now OEMs like Samsung would had to specifically design their own APIs in
order for the fingerprint sensor on their devices to work.
Adding native support for a feature like this would not only mean that OEMs will now have to do spend a lot less on getting the fingerprint sensors of their devices in complete sync with the Android. This would also mean developers will now be able to develop third party apps that can make use of the fingerprint sensor just like they can now make use of the microphone or the camera.
Even though this is a leak and not an official statement or even a teaser from Google, some tech pundits are still considering this as an evidence for the next Nexus (most probably a Nexus 5 reboot) device to come with a fingerprint sensor.

Why a Fingerprint Sensor in the Nexus 5 2015 Makes Sense

Android 6.0 M and Google Nexus 5 2015In their report, ArsTechnica also points out the fact the dimple on the back of the Nexus 6 was originally meant to house in a fingerprint sensor but Motorola wasn’t able to include it for reasons that were never made public. They even remind us that hints of a Nexus 6 fingerprint sensor were also found in AOSP code last year. So it is obvious that Google has been planning to introduce fingerprint sensor to the Android world for more than an year now.
Save it for a few high end flagships and the fingerprint sensor never really took off among the OEMs. Success of the reasonably priced Nexus 5 2015 will serve as an inspiration for other manufacturers to introduce the fingerprint sensors even in their mid range devices. Besides, it doesn’t take an market analyst to know that Google failed to reach the same kind of audience with the last years’s Nexus 6 it reached with the original Nexus 5. So putting a budding technology like the fingerprint sensor would really help Google to get things moving in regards to the next gen Nexus device and Android 6.0 M.
Another argument in favour of a fingerprint sensor for the Nexus 5 2015 is that Apple has been boasting about fingerprint sensors since the inception of iPhone 5S. And if the past Apple vs Google rivalry is anything to go by, the only way Google can get back at the Cupertino giant is by introducing the Nexus 5 2015 and Android 6.0 M with a similar or maybe even a better and more accurate technology.
Do you think that Google is going to introduce the Nexus 5 2015 and Android 6.0 M in this year’s Google I/O? If yes, then make sure to comment and let us know what your expectations are from the next version of Android and the next gen Nexus 5.

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