Big news for users of the Windows mobile OS!
Windows users have always lamented the lack of compatible apps for their devices. Not any more, because Microsoft will now support iOS and Android apps in Windows, in a big shift from their earlier 'exclusively for Windows' strategy.
Simply put, Microsoft has launched tools for developers which will 'translate' the code for iOS and Android apps for the Microsoft platform with the least amount of rework required.
The problem was how to get more apps onto the Windows platform. The conventional answer was 'porting', a process which pertains to converting the code of an app written for one OS, for another OS. Porting is difficult in the sense that it usually forces developers to rewrite the codes completely. This means that the same app needs to be written twice, essentially, simply because different OSes use different languages. Microsoft's latest decision does away with the need for 'porting'.
This new strategic shift from Microsoft will surely help to popularise Windows as a formidable alternative to Android and iOS.
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