OnePlus 2 rumors: You’re invited to the July 27 official launch … in virtual reality

Smartphone newcomer OnePlus has a new phone in the works, which is being referred to as the OnePlus 2. First discussed in an Ask Me Anything (AMA) Reddit session, the OnePlus 2 is likely to remain good value for money while still offering high-end specifications.

The company has also hinted at the possibility of a wearable device being released in the near future, and new reports are talking about a OnePlus One Lite smartphone. We’ve put together everything we know so far about OnePlus’ plans into this handy roundup post.

OnePlus announces virtual reality launch event for OnePlus 2

OnePlus certainly knows how to create a little buzz. The company announced July 27 for the OnePlus 2 launch event, which normally isn’t a big deal. However, OnePlus wants its fans to be right there front and center. That doesn’t mean that you will get a free ticket to be there in person, but you will get the next best thing — the entire event will be streamed in virtual reality.

OnePlus’ Carl Pei said, “In our industry, product launches tend to be the same. An auditorium, a keynote, and a seated audience. For the OnePlus 2 launch, we didn’t want that barrier between us and you; we want to invite you into our world, because you’re a major part of it.”


Witnessing the event in VR means that you will be right there next to the OnePlus team, and you will be able “check out the phone in a new way and maybe even find a few hidden Easter eggs.”

OnePlus recently hosted a pair of contests  giving two fans a chance to go to the event, and it has been revealed that those fans will actually help present the event in VR
You can’t view VR unless you have a special headset, and OnePlus has created their own version of Google Cardboard. Just like Google Cardboard, it will work with most Android phones, and you will be able to order one soon. It’s not clear, but we are under the assumption that Google Cardboard will work as well.
Be sure to mark your calendar for July 27 at 10:00 p.m. ET / 7:00 p.m. PT.
Earlier reports out of China indicated that OnePlus would host a press event in July, and they were right.
In late May, OnePlus invited its fans to check out its upcoming June 1 event in a Google+ post. The invite said, “We’re always looking for ways to shake up the tech industry. And we think it’s time for a change. Find out more June 1.”
oneplus invite
We expected OnePlus to announce the OnePlus 2 on June 1 based on the above image, but what we got instead was a series of OnePlus One flash sales from June 1 through June 7, in which the starting price dropped to $250.
Earlier on, OnePlus held a special event on April 20 2015, but didn’t reveal the OnePlus 2, or the OnePlus One Lite there either. Instead, the invitation system to buy the OnePlus One was dropped entirely. However, the company took the opportunity to inform us it would be back for the OnePlus 2.
When OnePlus first confirmed the existence of the OnePlus 2, the company stated that the 2 will launch between April and September of 2015. Since then, OnePlus’ Carl Pei has continued to place the release date in that large timeframe, without specifying an exact date. In early December 2014, Pei told BGR India the handset will launch in either the second quarter or the third quarter of 2015, reiterating the vague window mentioned before. Now, we’ve finally got the official July 27 date.

One Plus 2 will feature a Type C USB port and the Snapdragon 810 v2.1 chip

OnePlus isn’t one to keep quiet about its upcoming devices. The unorthodox smartphone maker revealed yet another spec of its highly-anticipated OnePlus 2 on Twitter in late June. Apparently, the OnePlus 2 will sport a reversible Type C USB port instead of the standard Micro USB port that most Android phones have onboard.
In terms of processing power, previous rumors pointed towards the OnePlus 2 rocking the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 chip, and OnePlus has confirmed it. However, there is one detail that is very important. The OnePlus 2 will be using an updated 810 chip known as v2.1, which is important because the previous version of the chip caused phones to overheat and slowdown. Qualcomm’s issues were the main reason why Samsung decided to go with its homegrown Exynos processor on the Galaxy S6 instead.
The updated version of the 810 won’t overheat, according to OnePlus: “We worked very closely with Qualcomm’s engineers to integrate an improved version of the chipset (v2.1) in the OnePlus 2, and fine-tuned both hardware and software,” the company said. “The 2 will be ‘cooler than ever.'”

OnePlue 2 pricing rumored to be more competitive than previously thought

Reports out of China say the OnePlus 3 will be priced at 2,000 Yuan ($322), which is slightly more than the OnePlus One’s original launch price of $300. We are taking this one with a grain of salt, since OnePlus CEO Pete Lau posted on the social network Weibo that 2,500 Yaun or $400 would be a “reasonable” price for the phone. Of course, there is a chance that Lau was aiming high in order to shock us when the phone does get announced.
The main attraction of the OnePlus One was its incredibly low price paired with high-end hardware. The Chinese company priced its phone so low that it barely made any profit off the sales. A source told Business Insider that OnePlus will sell the 2 for much less than the standard $500-and-up price tag of your average high-end smartphone. No specific number was mentioned. Although the specifications have yet to be officially announced, those familiar with OnePlus’ plans say the hardware on the 2 will be high-end and powerful.

Just how high-end will the specs be?

OnePlus CEO Pete Lau told followers on the Weibo social network the OnePlus 2 will use the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 processor, just like the LG G Flex2  and the HTC One M9. In late May, a benchmark test was discovered showing a phone called the OnePlus One A2001 running exactly that chip. The octa-core processor was accompanied by 3GB of RAM, and the device used Android 5.1 as its operating system. The test was dated May 20. Prior to this, a rumor from reseller Coolicool claimed the 2 would come with a Snapdragon 805, which seemed unlikely at the time.
Other specs revealed by Coolicool — so take them as you will — include a a 5.5-inch screen with an unspecified pixel resolution, 32GB of storage, a 3300mAh battery, as well as 16 and 5-megapixel cameras.  It pegged the OnePlus 2’s release for the third quarter of 2015, which is in line with OnePlus’ own enigmatic predictions, and had put a high $552 price estimate on the device.
Anonymous sources speaking to in January 2015 agree with the 5.5-inch screen size, and put the screen resolution at 2560 x 1440 pixels. The Snapdragon 810 may be joined by 4GB of RAM — which will see it compete with Xiaomi’s Mi Note Pro — and be powered by a 3300mAh battery. The January report suggested the price would be 2700 yuan, or about $435.

Unique design will be customizable

OnePlus’ first smartphone wowed tech fans with its unique design and original style. It seems that OnePlus is continuing on that path with the 2, as a report from Business Insider states the company’s next handset will be even more customizable. The first time around, OnePlus offered limited numbers of special StyleSwap backs for the One, including the very popular and extremely elusive bamboo back. Those who manage to get their hands on a OnePlus 2 will have even more color and material options.

The OnePlus 2 may run OxygenOS

The first OnePlus smartphone runs CyanogenMod’s own custom ROM built upon Android and many expected that it would appear on the OnePlus 2 as well. However, following CEO Peter Lau’s admissions to a Chinese publication regarding a home-grown custom ROM for the next phone, the company released OxygenOS.
OxygenOS is OnePlus’ own Android-based operating system, and was released at the beginning of April. It can be installed on the OnePlus One smartphone, and will most likely come pre-installed on the OnePlus 2.

What we learned from the AMA Reddit chat

The AMA was hosted by OnePlus’ Carl Pei and David S. on Reddit. The two answered questions on several topics, including preorders, the limited supply of OnePlus One smartphones, and future products. The company agreed that it underestimated demand for its first smartphone, but added that it remains committed to its motto of “Never Settle.” Initially, preorders for the OnePlus will only be open for a limited amount of time, due to production limitations.
“Things definitely haven’t gone as planned,” Pei said. “Looking back, we probably misjudged demand by 30x, and are scrambling to catch up. Our team wasn’t built to handle this growth. We’re hiring like crazy, and things should be under control in a few months.”
In the meantime, OnePlus said it’s focused on creating the OnePlus 2, so that sufficient numbers of the device will be available ahead of the projected 2015 launch. The company didn’t reveal much about the device’s specs or price, but it did hint that the OnePlus 2 may be smaller than the original.
“We’ve seen a lot of people asking for a smaller device, and want to let everyone know that we hear you,” OnePlus said. “We’re thinking about it.”
Unfortunately, OnePlus said that it will probably use the invite system for its next smartphone too, before moving on to limited preorders again. “It will probably be invite-only for a short period of time, after which pre-orders are rolled out,” OnePlus wrote, much to the chagrin of every fan who’s been slighted by the highly selective system.

What about the OnePlus One Lite?

According to an anonymous source speaking to DroidPile, the OnePlus One Lite will be an improved version of the OnePlus One, but not quite matching the specs of the OnePlus 2. This suggests the OnePlus 2 may be more expensive than the OnePlus One, and the Lite may be the company’s budget model for 2015. Expect another invite-only system to be put in place for prospective buyers.

Is a OnePlus Watch in the works?

The company also addressed rumors that it’s working on a wearable device. “Re:wearables,” OnePlus wrote in response to a fan’s question about the new category. “Yes. Unsure if/when/how we’ll release it though.”
Images of the OneWatch leaked earlier this summer, so it’s entirely possible that OnePlus was just being coy. Either that, or the pictures aren’t real.
Tags :one plus, one plus two, one plus two specs launch date rumours, 
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