Latest Battlefleet Gothic: Armada Screenshots Show The Sheer Scale Of These 7km Battle

Space in and of itself is a pretty dull place. Oh, sure, it can look nice for a short while, but ultimately it’s 99.99999% total nothingness. A void swamped in eons of boredom. Add 7 kilometre spaceships with enough weaponry to take down a meandering planetoid, however, and all of sudden, space is the place.

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, adapted from the Games Workshop tabletop game of the same name, knows fully well that bigger is better. In these latest screenshots for Battlefleet Gothic: Armada we see just how epic in scale these behemoths are, including the 1km Idolator, the fleet’s ‘smallest’ ship, all the way up to the suitably monikered ‘The Planet Killer.’ That one does exactly what it says on its 7500-metre long tin.

Tindalos Interactive's strategy game, if you haven't guessed, is all about massive great ships knocking lumps out of each other. Real-time damage allows players to punch holes through hulls, sheer entire cannons off, or even send a fleet of smaller ships to board enemy launching bays and wreak havoc inside.

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is certainly looking pretty tasty in the screenshots, which is as a result of being developed in Epic's Unreal Engine 4, which seems a pretty versatile beast by now.

 There's no release date for Battlefleet Gothic Armada just yet, but we'll keep you posted as soon as we hear any more details.

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